Gas or storm is one of the basics of any Battle Royale game, including It's a deadly blue gas that covers the entire map except for a circular blind spot at its center, usually called the zone, which gets smaller over time. The map will show the shortest path to that safe zone from the player's position. The reason for its existence is to allow players to find others much easier and force them to move to the same area so the match ends faster.
The gas moves in 5 waves. The first wave starts moving 1:10 minutes after the plane has finished its flight path. meaning during this time the entire map is a safe zone. One on screen message shows when the next gas wave will start moving, e.g. "Gas Approaching in 1:10", and one when it starts moving: "Gas is Moving Now". The timer is also displayed in the top right corner under the mini map. The first wave covers about 3/4 of the map, the following waves are much smaller.
- The first gas wave has a 1:10 minute cooldown before starting, takes 35 seconds to finish and does 2 damage per second.
- The second wave has a 50 second cooldown before starting, takes 30 seconds and does 5 damage per second.
- has a 30 second cooldown before starting, takes 25 seconds and does 7 damage per second.
- has a 28 second cooldown before starting, takes 18 seconds and does 8 damage per second.
- has a 22 second cooldown before starting, takes 14 seconds and does 12 damage per second.
- takes 13 seconds and does 13 damage per second
- does 14 damage per second
- does 15 damage per second. This is the last wave, the map is now completely covered in gas.
Gas can be really useful when you have a Get x kills (with x weapon) quest because no one wants to be in the gas. So you can find good strategies that use the gas.